As my Foci for this Term was around the pipeline of 3D modelling I wanted to create several concept videos of areas and events in the game that could have images taken out of them for use in the GDD and to also be possibly cut up and used in the final trailer. I started off with only wanting to make several environment and character renders but in the end it seemed like not too much of an extra step to turn these scenes into animations for use in the trailer.

The first shot is of an enemy character laying dormant in a river while wildlife swims by showing the creature is not a threat at the moment. Yet once touched by one of the ducks it begins to show life showing that it isn't completely disabled.

The scene ends with the enemy's head resting back on the rock as the camera pans in. Below you can watch the full animatic.
The second animation follows on for this with this shot being purely made for the trailer with it most likely being used as the final shot.

The shot picks up where the other one left off with it starting with the enemy picking up his head and closing his mouth. He then begins to turn his head towards the camera slowly.

The camera then pans in quickly as he is awoken creating a cinematic shot for the trailer and also some nice possible enemy renders to be used in either the one page pitch or the GDD.
One of the more intricate shots seen in the trailer is from the road scene which can be seen below.

It starts off with a nice shot showing what paths in the game could possibly look like in engine and setting the overall tone for the game.

You then quickly see an enemy dropping down demonstrating their superior movement to the player and how they can get around by using the branches in the forest unlike the player.

A car then comes into view showing the player and possibly NPCs trying to escape via a fully fixed car. With the enemy being the last thing in their way. This shows that in gameplay even if the player is able to fix the car and begin to drive away in it they will still need to drive safely out of the level.
The final Images show the car about to collide this was just added to be used in cinematic purposes for the final trailer.
The next shot is purely to show off more of the overall look and tone of the game showing a mellow yet slightly off shot of more wild life that would be present in the game.
The final shot......
One of the last shots I worked on and easily the one with the most aspects to it was the one to show the main base of the enemy.

The shot starts of by showing the dark entrance to the bland concrete bunker.

The camera then pans down the stairs and inside showing this area of the map will be unlike the rest and be underground.

the next couple shots show old machinery showing that the creature was man made yet a long time ago.
The camera then begins to move down a Hallway showing door ways to other rooms and areas to the basement. They begin to light up showing that other enemy creatures are lurking down here.
The shot then begins to zoom in on the hive mind lead enemy foreshadowing him as the main antagonist of the game. He is Completely immobile with him being fully connected to the basement through pipes showing the connection to him as the main leader of the creatures. The imagery also depicts him as a heart with him being the central and most important part to the creatures faction.