Game play loop One
This gameplay loop sees the action of deciding to engage in combat with the enemy with your Ai teammates -
Opportunity - with weapons the player and AI can cause some actual damage to enemy. (This can be done without though its a more easier task with)
Risk - player and Npc can be hurt leading to a decrease in moral of hurt character or even death to the player or the teammates.
Reward - if the enemy is killed this will lower the overall count of the creatures on the map, it will also lift the mental health bar of all AI teammates that are present during the fight.
Game play loop two
This one shows the overall system of searching the environment for supplies and managing your team mates inventory's.
Opportunity - Collect supplies such as weapons, health, Food and mission objectives and keys.
Risk - Have to spend time in area longer allowing the creature to get closer to you and means the player has to go through riskier areas. Team mates will also begin to get annoyed if the player starves them of supplies or gives more to one team mate and not enough to them.
Reward - The player will collect useful supplies that will be critical to stay alive and can boost morale and trust of team mates allowing them to be more effective and useful in combat and searching.

Game play loop three
This Game play loop will look into the collection of car parts to fix the escape route -
Opportunity - Collect car parts to eventually fix up the car and allow the player to drive it off the map and escape.
Risk - The parts are vastly spread out across the map and getting to them will be a risk to the player and NPCs, the parts are also very heavy and for the player to carry them by themselves will slow them down considerably but with several AI teammates they will be able to move a lot quicker. This slow pace though could lead to enemy creatures finding you quicker.
Reward - The car will eventually fixed up giving the player the chance to win the game.
Game play loop four
This gameplay loop goes into detail around the overall experience the player shall encounter around their A.I. teammates.
Opportunity - Have a team of AI team mates with a In-depth emotions and sanity system under your control
Risk - Team mates can go insane, betray you or leave your group out of mistrust
Reward - Unique story line for the player where each playthrough will turn out different every playthrough and the player growing attached and keeping their favourite companions alive.
