When coming to start development on the game I wanted to refine the base map of the game so as group we could visualise the overall amount of assets and systems that would be in the final game. The map was first created on a whiteboard so we could make quick edits while discussing how the game would play out. Until we where all happy with the overall layout. Of course this will most likey change at the grayboxing period of the project as theres no way of telling if this map would work from a gameplay perspective without first playing it.Once the map was done I took what we came up with and sketched it on photoshop to create a digitial version.

Along with the digitial sketch I also made the document you can see below which visualised and described events that would happen on the map and where they take place. This again helps overall plot out all the elements in the game and helps us hone down what the overall narative journey of the player will be.

One key element of the story is that player must head to a beacon that will be visable from the start of the game all the way to the end, so the player can have some reference of where they are on the map and the final objective of the game.
