With all components ready for the game's levels I began implementing all assets along with Quixel Megascans to create the Realtime final game environments. The first area I worked on was the initial starting safe area for the player.
The environment feels open and allows the player to get a grip with the controls of the game. It also allows the players to freely explore the crashed ship and the few survivors of the accident. Through out the area you can see rubble from the crash and friendly Ai patrolling around.

The next area the player goes into is a canyon like area in which the player will encounter their first enemies.

The player then moves through two of the largest areas in the game.

throughout the rocky landscape you can find enemies patrolling and a crashed escape pod from the ship you came from, though all aboard have either died in the crash or where ambushed upon landing.
Above you cane see a breakdown of the functions working behind the scenes. This includes the vfx which are used heavily in the map with it either being the rain that follows the player, the volume height fog on the map or the smoke and flames around crash sights. The last two images you can see first the sightlines for AI to spot the player with several rocks and structure blocking their sight. The last image shows the player collision for all assets which is more in-depth so the player wont see their character floating in the air (In Theory).
Above you can see some finished shots without an Ai assets roaming. I also used the same assets on the main menu screen to set a similar tone and feel when the player first boots up the game.

Below you can see some final screenshots from the build that was put up on the Way finder's Itch.io page.