One of the main tasks I had in the game was to produce the game ready Model for the main character with textures and an animation Rig. Earlier in the project I created a quick sketch of how this character would look. Though this design would be altered to fit a more animatable shape in the block out stage of the design.
From this I went onto apply some simple materials and rendered the character to see if I was happy with the overal shape and level of detail.
From this I began to poly model further details and refine the shape of the character making it clear which areas of him are rigid hard surface areas and which are felxable and moveable areas of the character.
When I was happy with the overall moddelling of the character I created a Low Poly and High Poly version of the model and took the character into substance where I baked the high detail and applied a smart material I created which would texture the character to resemble old pc's from the 90s with a high level of dirt and damage to the plastic shell. Also including further details such a colour to wiring and buttons along with metal detail to areas of the character that arent covered up by his plastic shell. The final adition was to apply emissions to the area of the model that would cast light out via emissions, such as the eyes and small blinking lights on the character.

Below you can see some of the renders done with the final model that will be used either or the games Twitter, Website or in game loading screens.
One key point I wanted to show in these renders was that these are a group of unified robots that are not the enemies of the game. This was done through the lighter overal lighting with the inclusion of blue edge lights and the placement of the characters looking as if they support one and another.

Below is my overall favourite render taken from the ones I edited to showcase the character model.

After the characters model was completed it was begin to export the character into unreal engine and retarget all animations to fit him.

Below you can see some work in progress of the player controlling the model.