Friendly Ai Version 3
As all last attempts at trying to implement Ai that the player could command and would also follow on command, we have decided as a group to go for a more dumbed down ai as a group so we can still implement them into the game. This new Ai would roam the world and actively run away from enemy Ai in the world.

The first area of their Ai system I created was the node structure to roam the world in random direction. Along with this I needed to creat an animation blendspace unique to them which involved a sad walk and run to envoke emotions in the player when they come across their fellow robot allies.
Below you can see a small group of the Ai robot characters from one of our playtests.
Below you can see a folder containing all the components that are used to create the friendly Ai. the charcter can easily be dragged and dropped into any scene with in the game.

The video below you can see the final version of the friendly Ai after feedback of their actions seeming too gittery from playtest done that day.
Current State of Passive Ai in THE WAYFINDER
Througout this week there has been much work done to all the passive AI in the game so below I wanted to do a recap of thre behaviours of both Ai in the game.

Robot Ai has all animations set in their blendspace and will walk from location to location, yet still need to have their reactions to enemy Ai programmed in so they activate their run blendspace which is already implemented into the game.

For the Gas Bag Ai theyre code is completely in place, yet will need to be fine tuned before they are complete on their behaviour side. Yet their animation and blendspace still need to be done but as theyre not a humanoid character I need their model to be closer to completeion before carrying on with them.