Below you can see the PowerPoint document I presented to the class, including research on nature trails, gremlins, bartending and narcotics. Along with the documents being shown to the class, I also spoke about what was shown on screen and pointed out the parts of information I found the most interesting.
While I was presenting, questions and ideas were collected on under each topic. Narcotics and Gremlins had the most engagement out of all the topics. This felt natural as these where the two areas I was the most enthusiastic to talk about. It was also these two topics that I was considering to take further before the presentation so this level of engagement is reassuring.

Once all the presentations where completed a vote was taken for everyone's favourite topic, below mine can be seen.

Narcotics got the highest vote with gremlins coming in a a close second. Going forward after an evening of considering I will continue to research the topic of the mythical and cultural creature, the Gremlin. Even though personally I think there's more depth and a wealth of interesting ways I could go with narcotics, when it comes to a game I just don't believe I could make something about that area that wouldn't be trivial or paint the issues of substance and how they influence and effect classes and groups of people throughout history. Even though were not supposed to be thinking about games, this did influence my decision with going with gremlins as I feel this area could give birth to a great and fun idea that would be easily developed and polished in the time frame I have to complete this project. Though in the future if given the chance I would love to develop some Story/Game that touches on the many issues and attitudes to narcotics, there users, makers and distributers.