This blog posts shows some of the work created from this weeks workshop.

Above is a newspaper that I created, its made to seem as if gremlins where actually real and newsworthy thing.

Along with this workshop I also updated my board heavily with some design inspirations, noted some further areas to research and got several pieces of A1 paper taped up so people could write things they related to key words about gremlins.
Another activity was to prepare a presentation about one of your topics and paint it in a positive light.
This presentation is from the POV of an organisation that is trying to protect the gremlins and rehome them. This activity definitely made me feel that I would want humour to be a key thing in any ideas moving forward, as its just so fun to play around with the idea of these creatures existing in our world.
Another activity from this week was from a Professional contexts talk in which we had to Gamify stories, naturally I wanted to just look into breaking down the original gremlins film, this tool could be very useful moving forward.
