This blog post shows the several slides I presented to the class about the 3 game ideas that I feel could be taken further. When presenting the majority of the dialogue I used was just reading out the texts of the slides, with some additional comments on my original artwork presented on the slides aswell.
While presenting the class took notes on each idea and a final vote for the most liked Idea in general. The game that got the most votes in the end was Mansion Mischief, even though personally I felt that the best game idea was Gremlin Exterminator it was just the issue of I didnt feel like I had enough time to really sell the game, though maybe this was for the best as if I cant sum up the true expsirence in 2 mins its probably too ambitious. I feel like that game idea needed a simple build of the game made to help people understand where the enteratinment from A.I interactions and the games physics. Though I do have a love for mansion mischief and I am ready to possibly explore the game more.

Early in the week I had to decided to work with another classmate on what ever game idea was picked to go forward with. We decided that we would do this final presentation then take our two most popular ideas and decide which one suited the time frame we had and what we wished to achieve from this project. The game idea that I took to this stage was mansion mischief while my class mate brought his idea of a game that would see the player take the role of robot who has awaken from a crash sorrounded by other simular robots, gather them up and set fourth on a pilgramige to get to a final goal as they are hunted by an illusive organisation.

We weighed the pros and cons of both games and with some advice from our tutor Adam, we decided that the game idea of wayfinder could easily be put together and if need be the scope could be narrowed and still create a solid exspirence